What Is Selective Laser Sintering?

Posted On Jul 24, 2023


What Is Selective Laser Sintering?

In this layer-additive manufacturing process, a CO2 laser fuses fine nylon powder in 0.1mm layers, directed by a computer-guided mirror. The build platform progresses downwards in layer thickness steps. The delivery chambers alternately rise to provide the roller with a fresh charge of powder to spread accurately over the surface of the build area. Non-sintered powder forms a ‘cake’, which encapsulates and supports the model as the build progresses. The whole process takes place in an inert nitrogen atmosphere at less than 1% oxygen to stop the nylon oxydizing when heated by the laser beam.

The SLS powders are self-supporting and so large numbers of components can be built around and inside one another to reduce cost. The SLS technique is often selected to produce functional prototypes and test models because the materials have similar physical characteristics to injection molded parts.

Reach out to our team here at Yoddon! SLS 3D Printing is one of our specialties, so we’re confident in our ability to fulfill your requirements.